Corona Virus - Risk Assessment
1. Thinking about risk
All stakeholder should suggest any improvements to the existing guidelines if they feel they would be beneficial to the working environment.
If there are any concerns regarding the corona virus health and safety guidelines and practises please raise them at your first opportunity on 01628-281122 or on my direct mobile number. Cleaners may also address your issue via an employee representative who can contact me as above.
If the issue continues please discuss with the HSE by phone on 0300 003 1647.
1.1 Managing risk
Objective: To reduce risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level b y taking preventative measures, in order of priority.
We do not work in our own physical locations.
We cannot conduct our work "from home".
The social distancing measures which are in place at the time must be followed wherever possible.When cleaners are working in pairs they should work in different locations within the house rather than both work in the same room at the same time. If a task requires 2 people to complete then the affort should be to work side by side rather than face to face.
Be polite and helpful to customers but refrain from extended. non essential chat so as to minimise time in house.
Wash hands as per guidelines provided on a regular basis.
Wherever possible existing teams going to each house will persist and not be alternated for the purpose of broadening experience of the different houses.
Cleaners are not currently onliged to work if they do not feel comfortable in this setting. This may mean we cannot provide the regular cleaners to a house or need to rescedule. Any cleaner who has or acquires any vulnerability to covid should make that known at the earliest opportunity.
No work will be carried out in a household which is isolating because one or more family members has symptoms or where an individual has been advised to shield. This information is available to customers on our web page.
We discourage cleaning houses where a resident is in the vulnerable group. This information is available to customers on our web page. If we still are required to visit such a house and the hous cannot be vacant at the time of cleaning avoid any face-to-face contact, for example, when arriving at the door. You should be particularly attentive about handwashing, coughing and sneezing hygiene,such as covering your nose and mouth and disposing of single-use tissues.
Customer communication includes the need for social distancing, good ventialtion, hand washing facilities and the wearing od face coverings.
1.2 Sharing the results of your risk assessment
This assessment is available on our web site.
2. Who should go to work
Objective: That everyone should work from home, unless they cannot work from home. It is recognised that for providers of in-home services, it is often not possible to work from home.
Cleaning homes cannot be carried out "from home".
Site visits ahead of commencement of new houses will be conducted by telephone.
Any requests of support for workers around mental health and wellbeing will be discussed and where appropriate referred to a professional therapist.
2.2 People who need to self-isolate
Objective: To make sure individuals who are advised to stay at home under existing government guidance do not physically come to work.This includes individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 as well as those who live in a household with someone who has symptoms.
Any cleaner with symptoms or from a household with symptoms/self isolating must not attend work
Any household with symptoms/self isolation must cancel cleaning. We will immediately leave any household where we believe the virus may be present.
2.3 Equality in the workplace
Objective: To treat everyone in your workplace equally.
•In applying this guidance, employers should be mindful of the particular needs of different groups of workers or individuals.
•It is breaking the law to discriminate, directly or indirectly, against anyone because of a protected characteristic such as age, sex or disability.
•Employers also have particular responsibilities towards disabled workers and those who are new or expectant mothers.
Our guidelines across the covid secure guidelines applies equally to everyone. We are happy to understand any requirements from individuals with special needs with the understanding that we cannot compromise possible infection of cleaners, householders or any third party.
3. Social distancing at work
Objective: To maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible, including while arriving at and departing from work, while in work and when travelling between sites.
3.1 Coming to and leaving a home for work
Objective: To maintain social d istancing wherever possible, on arrival a nd departure and to ensure handwashing upon arrival.
Guidelines have been given for travelling in car on the way to/from work.
Handwash on arrival and as required together with use of gloves is the guidance.
3.2 Moving around when working in a home
Objective: To maintain social distancing wherever possible while performing work in the home.
It is recognised that for providers of some in-home services, it will not always be possible to maintainphysical distance from customers.
Both cleaners and householders are required to mantain the social distancing measures currently applicavle from the UK government.
Generally there should be minimal time when cleaners cannot maintain social distancing in house. Householders should be requested to remain a) absent b) on a separate floor c) in a closed room not being cleaned.
3.3 Appointments in the home
Objective: To reduce transmission due to face-to-face meetings and maintain social distancing in meetings.
When discussing new houses with the householder it will normally take place via telephone. Electronic images may be used if visuals would help.
3.4 Accidents, security and other incidents
Objective: To prioritise safety during incidents
• In an emergency, for example, an accident, fire, or break-in, people do not have to stay 2m apart if it wouldbe unsafe.
• People involved in the provision of assistance to others should pay particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards, including washing hands.
4. Interacting with householders
4.1 Providing and explaining available guidance
The guidelines for covd secure working will be available on the web site.
5. Cleaning the work area
Objective: To keep work areas in a home clean and prevent transmission by touching contaminated surfaces.
5.1 Keeping the work area clean
Pay special attention to cleaning of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using the usual cleaning products.
Check all sprays, cloths etc are taken when leaving house. Remind each other.
We do not offer cleaning after a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
5.2 Hygiene
Objective: To help everyone keep good hygiene through theworking day.
Hand washing on regular basis. Guidelines circulated.
Gloves are available.
Use sanitiser where available.
5.3 Handling goods, merchandise and other materials
Objective: To r educe transmission through contact with objects that come in to o r are removed from the home.
We would not ordinarily have goods delivered to houses.
6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and face coverings
PPE protects the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment,such as face masks.
Workplaces should not encourage the precautionary use of extra PPE to protect against COVID-19 outside clinical settings or when responding to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
6.1 Face coverings
Face coverings should be worn when in the house if members of other households (colleagues or householders) are present. This applies to both cleaners and householders. Clinical grade face masks are not required.
You can make face-coverings at home and can find guidanceon how to do this and use them safely on GOV.UK.
7. Workforce management – guidance for employers an d agencies
Objective: To c hange the way work is organised to c reate distinct groups and reduce the number of contacts each worker has.
7.1 Team working
Teams will not be changed for purposes of gaining experience of other houses.
Clean sharde items of equipment regularly.
7.2 Work-related travel
7.2.1 Cars, accom
We do not require overnight stays.
7.3 Communications and Training
Objective: To make sure all workers understand COVID-19 related safety procedures.
7.3.1 Returning to work
Send link to all colleagues for awareness of requirements
Pay incentive for following Hand Hygiene course (WHO Online).
7.3 Communications and Training
Objective: To make sure all workers are kept up to date with howsafety measures are being implemented or updated.
7.3.2 Ongoing communications
Repeat messages.
WHO course is multilingual.
Graphics of best practise for hand wash and hand rub available.
8. Deliveries to the home
Objective: To maintain social distancing and avoid surface transmission when goods enter and leave a home.
We do not deliver goods to the home.
General guidance for employees during coronavirus (COVID-19)